2025 OGP Africa & Middle East Regional Meeting
Join us in Nairobi from March 25-27, 2025 for a gathering of up to 500 participants including national OGP
local leaders, civil society representatives, and global partners as we explore:
Rebuilding Trust through Open Government
Side Events: A number of partners are also holding side events before and after the Regional Meeting. View the side events below or see the complete details here.
Keynote Discussions
Opening Plenary & Gala Dinner
March 25, 17:00 - 21:00
Location: Garden
The plenary will set the stage for the 3 day event whose aim is to explore how Open government approaches can be leveraged to bolster trust and strengthen the social contract between governments and their citizens. The session will therefore encompass perspectives from representatives from national and local government, private sector and civil society on the story of OGP, current trends and OGP in action.
Featured Speakers:
- H.E. Dr. William S. Ruto, CGH, President of the Republic of Kenya
- Mr. Aidan Eyakuze, CEO, Open Government Partnership
- Moderator: June Gachuhi
Digital Governance Plenary
March 26, 9:00 – 10:30
Location: Kilimanjaro
The development of new technologies, such as AI, offers the potential for significant positive benefits for society. However, there are profound concerns about the potential negative impacts on democracy, fundamental rights, and people's lives if not governed correctly. This plenary fireside chat will bring together high-level regional figures from government, civil society and business to explore how to get digital governance right for Africa, in order to reap the benefits and avoid the threats of emerging digital tech.
Featured Speakers:
Part 1
- Amb. Philip Thigo, MBS (Moderator)
- Dr. Fola Adeleke, Executive Director, African Observatory on Responsible AI
- Dr. Charity Wayua, Director, IBM Research Africa
- Bulanda Tapiwa Nkhowani, Digital Action, Zambia
Part 2
- Tonu Basu, Access Now (Moderator)
- Winnifred Nafisah Mahama, Ghana's Information Services Department
- Mame Latyre Fall, Forum Civic, Senegal
- Fatou Diery Diagne, Reporter, Le Soleil
- Sarah Wesonga, Article 19, Kenya
Financial Transparency & Integrity Plenary
March 27, 9:00 – 10:30
Location: Kilimanjaro
Expanding fiscal openness remains a pressing and essential to rebuilding trust between citizens and their governments. Although there are many ongoing reforms being pursued towards greater openness, the challenges of inadequate transparency in taxation, opaque debt management and uneven participation in budget processes by citizens. This session brings together policy makers and practitioners who are working with civil society and government reformers to advance fiscal transparency and integrity. It will create a platform for senior leaders who are leading global, Africa specific networks and multi-country fiscal transparency interventions that specifically focus on tax transparency, budget and revenue policy transparency and economic governance reforms and challenge them to consider.
Featured Speakers:
- Zoro Epiphane Ballo, Président, Haute Autorité pour la Bonne Gouvernance (HABG), Government of Côte d'Ivoire
- Caroline Gaita, Executive Director, Mzalendo Trust
- Honorable Lucy Akello, MP, Parliament of Uganda
- Mr Alvin Mosioma, Global Programs Division Director: Fiscal Justice, Open Society Foundations
- Mr. Rueben Lifuka, Chairperson of the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), Board Member of the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative (CoST) and former Vice Chair of Transparency International, Country Director for Chandler Foundation, Zambia (Moderator)
OGP Camp Invite Only
March 25, 9:00 - 11:30
Location: Mt. Kenya
OGP Camp is a unique opportunity for points of contact and the most active civil society stakeholders in OGP national and local processes to connect, exchange learnings, and engage with key actors from other OGP members and the OGP Support Unit.
OGP Support Unit
Civil Society Meeting Invite Only
March 25, 12:30 - 14:00
Location: Mt. Elgon
Sustaining Civil Society Engagement for Open Government. Budgets through Citizen Engagement in an Open Government Partnership Framework
The Civil Society Meeting will be held under the theme Sustaining Civil Society Engagement for Open Government. This session will address critical priorities, including; strengthening civil society's role in shaping open government policies, enhancing citizen participation and advocacy efforts, developing sustainable funding models for civil society organizations, and strengthening cross-sector collaboration to drive lasting governance reforms. The meeting will be structured to foster active participation, knowledge sharing, and strategic discussions.
Mzalendo Trust
High Level Sessions
Regional Ministerial Roundtable (invite only)
March 25, 14:00 - 15:30
Location: Kilimanjaro 2
Open government processes and reforms require significant investment in infrastructure, training, and human resources. They also require long-term political commitment to be sustainable and resilient. There are, however, challenges that hinder resource allocation and sustained conversations. This roundtable will catalyse conversations on how to strengthen ownership, leadership and sustainability of OGP.
Confirmed Speakers:
- H.E Musalia Mudavadi, Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kenya
- H.E Mathias Traore, Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection, Burkina Faso
- Hon. Nana Oye Bampoe Addo, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the President, Ghana
- Mr. Johnny Tarkpah, Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism, Liberia
- Advocate Janet Banda, SC, Deputy Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Office the President and Cabinet and Chairperson of the OGP, Malawi
- Mr Bockarie Bawoh, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Information and Civic Education, Sierra Leone
- H.E Princess Kasune, Minister, Ministry of Justice, Zambia
Additional Invitees:
- Dr. Korir Sing'Oei, Principal Secretary, State Department Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Kenya
- Amb. Philip Thigo, MBS, Special Envoy on Technology, Republic of Kenya (OGP-PoC)
- Mr. Aidan Eyakuze, CEO, Open Government Partnership
- Ms. Stephanie Muchai, OGP Civil Society Steering Committee Member
- Ms. Zukiswa Kota, OGP Civil Society Steering Committee Member
- Ms. Viola Ochola, Director, Access to Information at The Commission on Administrative Justice Office of the Ombudsman, Government of Kenya
- Amb. Salah Mohammed, Head of the African Governance Architecture (AGA) Secretariat, African Union (AU)
- Amb. Henriette GEIGER, Ambassador of the European Union to Kenya
- Mr. Chaou S. Rodrigue, PoC Benin
- Mr. Paulo Miguel Gonçalves Fernandes, Advisor of the Minister, Ministry of Modernization and Public Administration, Cabo Verde
- Mme. Chantal Angoua, PoC Côte d'Ivoire
- Hon. Lydia Lamisi Akanvariba, Public Sector Reform Secretariat, Parliament of Ghana
- Mme. Latifa Benayad, acting PoC Morocco
- Dr. Gloria Ahmed, OGP National Coordinator, PoC Nigeria
- Mr. Alassane Gueye; PoC Senegal
- Ms. Margaret Pillay Moumou, Secretary of Cabinet, Office of the President, Seychelles
- Sonia Gharbi, acting PoC Tunisia
Partners: European Commission, AFD, FCDO and Ambassadors of OGP Countries in Africa
Local Leaders Roundtable (invite only)
March 25, 11:00 - 13:00
Location: Kilimanjaro 2
In 2022, the Marrakech Declaration laid the groundwork for collaborative action within the Network of Open Local Governments Africa-Middle East Region. It introduced principles aimed at addressing regional challenges through promoting openness and dialogue. As these challenges evolve, innovations have emerged. This session will delve into current challenges, the latest innovations, and governance strategies, exploring how this network, composed of governments and civil society, can effectively leverage collective action to tackle them.
Invited Speakers (Local Government Representatives):
Jurisdiction | Name | Title |
Kaduna State, Nigeria | Hon. Ahmed Mukhtar Mohammed | Commissioner, Planning and Budget Commission |
Plateau State, Nigeria | Samuel Nanchang Jatau | Secretary to the Government of the State |
Abuja, Nigeria | Emeka Joseph Orji | Chief of Staff |
Tarkwa Nsuaem, Ghana | Alhaji Boffour Ahmed Haruna | Municipal Coordinator Director |
Greater Karak, Jordan | Moh'd Abdel-Hamid Moh'd Maaitah | Mayor |
Elgeyo Marakwet, Kenya | Hon Wisley Rotich | Governor |
Nairobi, Kenya | H.E. Sakaja Arthur Johnson | Governor |
Nandi, Kenya | Dr. Yulita Mitei | Vice Governor |
Kakamega, Kenya | Dr. Bonface Okoth | CECM Public Service and County Administration |
Machakos, Kenya | H.E. Wavinya Ndeti | Governor |
Tangier – Tetouan – Al Hoceima, Morocco | Rabie El Khamlichi | Directeur général |
Agadir, Morocco | Lahcen Benmohamed | Director General of Services |
Oriental, Morocco | Mme Saliha Hajji | Vice Président du Conseil de la Région de l'Oriental |
Ouellé, Côte d'Ivoire | Hon. Ya Komenan Raphael | Mayor |
Yoff, Senegal | Hon. Seydina Issa Laye Sambe | Mayor |
Civil Society and Partners:
Name | Title |
Semiye Michael | CEO/Founder DEAN Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria |
Solomon Ampofo | Program Coordinator, Friends of the Nation |
Rafik Majdoub | Tunisian Association For a Better Future, Dar Chaabane El Fehri, Tunisia |
Youness Ouhrar | Executive Director, Youth Movement for Local Development (AMOUJ), Beni-Mellal, Morocco |
Gitungo Wamere | Senior Program Office, Mzalendo Trust, Kenya |
Evelyn Hernandez | Head of Members and Affiliate, CoST |
Other Participants:
Name | Title |
Aidan Eyakuze | OGP, Incoming CEO |
José M. Marín | OGP Local, Lead |
Zukiswa Kota | OGP Civil Society Steering Committee Member (TBC) |
Government of Kenya | OGP Government Steering Committee Member (TBC) |
Breakout Sessions
Wednesday, March 26
Access to Justice
Deliberate Citizen Engagement in Justice Processes Strengthens Open Government Values in Africa
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26
11:00 - 12:30
Mt. Elgon 1-2
This session will focus on the importance of deliberate citizen participation in designing and implementing justice systems and policies, and how this promotes and entrenches open government values of participation, transparency and accountability. The session will draw from people-centered justice models, which ensure inclusive engagement of women and marginalized groups, such as the Alternative justice Systems in Kenya, Alternative Dispute Resolution Centres in Somalia, Community Courts in Mozambique, semi formal courts in Senegal 'Maisons de Justice' that also serve as a one-stop shop for legal information; and the ongoing community consultation process in the development of a justice commitment in Ghana.
Session Organisers:
Namati, Grassroots Justice Network, Legal Resources Centre Ghana, Kituo Cha Sheria, African Centre for Excellence in Access to Justice
Confirmed Speakers:
- Tina Lorizzo, Executive Director, REFORMAR, Mozambique/African Centre for Excellence in Access to Justice
- Steve Okoth, National Steering Committee on Implementation of the Alternative Justice Policy, Kenya
- Klu Eliplim, Head Of Programs, Ghana Federation of Disability Organization/International Federation of Women Lawyers
- Abdoulaye Ndiaye, Program Officer, Article 19 West Africa, Senegal
- Tejan Ahmed Israel Jah, Ombudsman, Government of Sierra Leone
- Aimee Ongeso, Network Manager, Grassroots Justice Network, Kenya (Facilitator)
- Ken Ogutu, Legal Advisor, Judiciary of Kenya (Facilitator)
Tackling Corruption through Data: Lessons from Open Contracting, EGP, and Beneficial Ownership
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26
11:00 - 12:30
Mt. Kenya 1-2
The session will highlight the lessons learned while implementing technologies namely OCDS, E-Government Procurement systems (Kenya/Nigeria), Beneficial ownership, and the emerging Artificial Intelligence in generating data and evidence to tackle and track anti-corruption efforts. The session will showcase different OC and BO data use cases from Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi, and Uganda at National and subnational levels. Finally, panelists will emphasize the role of local ownership and awareness of initiatives among CSOs in effective and inclusive OGP implementation.
Session Organisers:
Transparency International Kenya, Development Gateway, Open Contracting Partnership, Business Registration Service
Confirmed Speakers:
- Edwin Muhumuza, Africa Lead, Open Contracting Partnership (OCP), Kenya
- M. Saliou Diop, OFNAC Senegal
- Philip Gichana, Africa Policy Director, Global Financial Integrity, Kenya
- Dr. Yulitta Mitei, Deputy Governor, Nandi County, Kenya
- Dennis Mwafulirwa, Programme Officer, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation, Malawi
- Favour Ime, Senior Regional Manager for Africa, Open Ownership, Kenya
- Mr. Johnny Tarkpah, Deputy Minister for Administration, Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism, Liberia (opening remarks)
- Robert Mwanyumba, Africa Regional Coordinator, Transparency International (Facilitator)
Digital Governance
Participatory Digital Governance: Making Digital Innovations Work for Everyone
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26
14:00 - 15:30
Mt. Elgon 1-2
As governments increasingly rely on digital technologies, data and AI to automate decision-making and deliver services to citizens, governance mechanisms that ensure these processes are transparent, inclusive, and accountable to the public are important to maintain citizen trust in government. This interactive workshop will brainstorm approaches and frameworks that enable meaningful public engagement in shaping how governments procure, develop and use digital technologies. We will collectively reimagine a future where citizen participation ensures the governance of emerging technologies safeguarding fundamental human rights such as privacy and self-determination and promotes equitable access to opportunities and improved service delivery.
Session Organisers:
Local Development Research Institute, African Observatory on Responsible AI
Confirmed Speakers:
- Fola Adeleke, African Observatory on Responsible AI
- Melissa Omino, Strathmore University, Kenya
- Pria Chetty, Executive Director Designate, Research ICT Africa, South Africa
- Khumbuzo Nkunika, Assistant Director, Department of ICT, Zambia
- Maurice Thantan, Social Watch, Benin
- Alessandro Bozzini, OECD
- Leonida Mutuku, Local Development Research Institute (Facilitator)
Legislative Openness
Strengthening Democracy through Open Parliaments
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26
14:00 - 15:30
Mt. Kenya 1-2
This session will focus on how opening up parliament promotes parliamentary transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement within parliaments, leading to more effective participation and broadly to good governance. The session will highlight the different ways in which CSOs/PMOs across the region are utilising different tools to enhance parliamentary transparency and engagement.
Session Organisers:
Mzalendo Trust, Parliamentary Network Africa
Confirmed Speakers:
- Sammy Obeng, Parliamentary Network Africa
- Kra Paulin, Head of Evaluation Committee for the Parliament of Cote D'Ivoire
- Beatrice Elachi, Member of Parliament, Dagoreti North, Co-Chair OGP Parliamentary Caucus National Assembly, The Parliament of Kenya
- Hon. Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah, Member of Parliament, Ghana
- Caroline Gaita, Executive Director, Mzalendo Trust, Kenya (Facilitator)
Thursday, March 27
National-Local Open Government
National Local Collaboration for Better Public Policies: Exploring Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges
Date & Time
Thursday, March 27
11:00 - 12:30
Mt. Elgon 1-2
In the past decade, collaboration between national and local level governments and civil society to adopt open government reforms has resulted in a rich compendium of experiences that the current OGP Strategy seeks to cultivate. This session will navigate through these diverse collaboration models and their potential to drive better public policies to address the region's most pressing challenges. Experts and practitioners will offer insights into their experiences, obstacles, and visions for upcoming opportunities. Join us as we explore strategies for impactful change!
Session Organisers:
OGP Support Unit
Confirmed Speakers:
- Uchenna Arisukwu, Civil Society Adviser, Nigeria OGP Secretariat
- Lawal Amodu, Programme Coordinator, Center LSD, Nigeria
- Jean Jacques Yapo, Expert in Local Open Government, Côte d'Ivoire
- Caroline Gaita, Executive Director of Mzalendo, Kenya
- John Maritim, Director of Economic Planning, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
- Samia El Baouchi, Impact For Development, Morocco
- Mercedes Nasiff, OGP (Facilitator)
Climate and Environment
Transparency and Trust in Climate Governance: Empowering Communities for Participatory and Just Climate Solutions
Date & Time
Thursday, March 27
11:00 - 12:30
Mt. Kenya 1-2
This session, Transparency and Trust in Climate Governance: Empowering Communities for Participatory and Just Climate Solutions, will explore the urgent need for transparent, inclusive climate governance. We'll discuss how empowering communities through participatory development can bridge gaps in trust, ensuring sustainable and equitable climate actions. Thought-provoking lightning talks will showcase real-world examples of community-led solutions and transparent governance practices. The Open Chair format will foster active participation, inviting diverse perspectives and practical solutions. Join us to explore actionable strategies for embedding transparency and inclusivity in climate policies, strengthening resilience, and promoting climate justice for all.
Session Organisers:
Enzi-Ijayo Africa Initiative, Energy Governance Platform formerly Kenya Civil Society Platform on Oil & Gas (KCSPOG)
Confirmed Speakers:
- Fredrick Ouma, Project Manager, Kenya Ministry of Environment, Climate Change
- Isaac Aidoo, Development Planning Officer, Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana
- Rabie EL KHAMLICHI, Director General of Services for the Tangier Tetouan El Hoceima Region and Head of the ORVSIT Observatory Project, Conseil de la Région Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima, Morocco
- Ivy Magoma, Communications and Knowledge Management Lead, Adaptation Consortium, Kenya
- Dr. Misrar Wafa, Campaign and Policy Lead, CAN (Climate Action Network) Africa, Morocco
- Christine Maina, Program Officer, Energy Governance Platform, Kenya (Facilitator)
Fiscal Openness
Sustainable Budgets through Citizen Engagement in an Open Government Partnership Framework
Date & Time
Thursday, March 27
14:00 - 15:30
Mt. Elgon 1-2
Participatory budgeting processes directly involve citizens in decision-making regarding budget allocations, including debt-related expenditures. It is imperative to give citizens a voice in how public resources, including borrowed funds, are utilized. Participatory budgeting promotes transparency and accountability in debt management. Further, when citizens actively engage with the budget process, they hold government officials accountable for their spending decisions. The session will emphasize on the importance of participatory budgeting, citizens demanding for accountability and the sustainable debts for efficient service delivery.
Session Organisers:
Mzalendo Trust, IBP, TISA, NDI
Confirmed Speakers:
- Abraham Rugo, Country Director, Bajeti Hub, Kenya
- Michael Semiye, DEAN initiative in Abuja, Nigeria
- Zukiswa Kota, Programme Manager, Public Service Accountability Monitor, South Africa
- Monsieur CHAOU S. Rodrigue, Directeur Général du Budget in Benin, Government of Benin
- Prof. Grace Jerotich Chesere, Deputy Governor of Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya
- James Muraguri, Institute of Public Finance, Kenya (Facilitator)
Access to Information
Strengthening State Obligations on Access to Information to Build Citizen Trust & Combat Misinformation
Date & Time
Thursday, March 27
14:00 - 15:30
Mt. Kenya 1-2
Join us for an immersive session on Access to Information (ATI) and its pivotal role in fostering transparent governance in Africa and the Middle East. Led by a diverse panel of state and non-state actors, media professionals, civil society leaders, UNESCO representatives, and key government reformers on OGP, this session will explore innovative strategies to enhance data quality, combat misinformation, and strengthen ties with non-state actors. The session will also delve into the intersection of access to information and elections in the digital era, touching upon media freedom serving as a catalyst for enhancing transparency and accountability.
Session Organisers:
ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, The Commission on Administrative Justice- Kenya
Confirmed Speakers:
- Sarah Wesonga, Senior Program Manager: Freedom of Expression & Information Integrity, ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa, Kenya (Facilitator)
- Gilbert Sendugwa, Executive Director, Africa Freedom of Information Centre, Uganda
- Dorothy Jamator Kimengech, Commissioner in charge of Access to Information, Commission on Administrative Justice, Kenya
- Mubarak Abdulganiy, Civil Society Co-chair, Kaduna Local Government Accountability Mechanism, Nigeria
- Mouna El Mekki, Association Tunisienne Des Contrôleurs Publics (ATCP), Tunisia
* These breakout sessions run as parallel discussions, allowing
participants to attend the sessions most relevant to their interests.
Location: Foyer
Check in for Day 2.
OGP Camp Invite Only
Location: Main Plenary Hall
OGP Camp is a unique opportunity for points of contact and the most active civil society stakeholders in OGP national and local processes to connect, exchange learnings, and engage with key actors from other OGP members and the OGP Support Unit.
OGP PoC Camp & CSO Meeting
Location: Main Plenary Hall
Government points of contact (PoCs) and civil society leaders meet to share updates, challenges, and best practices for implementing OGP reforms across Africa & the ME.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
OGP PoC Camp & CSO Meeting (continued)
Location: Main Plenary Hall
Continuation of discussions about OGP commitments, collaboration, and innovation.
Local Leaders Roundtable (Invite Only)
Location: Room A
Builds on the Marrakech Declaration. Explores evolving challenges, innovations, and governance strategies at the subnational level and how local government & civil society can tackle them.
Location: Dining Hall
Lunch break.
Regional Roundtable (Invite Only)
Location: Room A
High-level dialogue on sustaining open government reforms, resource allocation, and leadership to ensure long-term political commitment.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
Bilateral / Closed-Door Meetings
Location: Room B, Room C
Reserved for private, high-level discussions among delegates.
Opening Plenary & Gala Dinner
Location: Garden
The plenary will set the stage for the 3 day event whose aim is to explore how Open government approaches can be leveraged to bolster trust and strengthen the social contract between governments and their citizens. The session will culminate in a conversation with the President of the Republic of Kenya.
Location: Foyer
Check in for Day 3.
Plenary: Digital Governance
Location: Kilimanjaro
The development of new technologies, such as AI, offers the potential for significant positive benefits for society. However, there are profound concerns about the potential negative impacts on democracy, fundamental rights, and people's lives if not governed correctly. This plenary fireside chat will bring together high-level regional figures from government, civil society and business to explore how to get digital governance right for Africa.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
Breakout Session: Access to Information
Location: Room A
Explores Access to Information's role in transparent governance. Speakers from media, civil society, UNESCO, etc., examine data quality, combating misinformation, and media freedom's impact on accountability.
Breakout Session: Access to Justice
Location: Room B
Highlights citizen participation in designing justice systems (AJS in Kenya, ADR in Somalia, community courts in Mozambique). Focuses on inclusive engagement for women and marginalized groups, ensuring transparency and accountability in justice processes.
Location: Dining Hall
Lunch break.
Breakout Session: Anti-Corruption
Location: Room A
Showcases lessons from open contracting, e-procurement, beneficial ownership, and AI in tracking corruption. Case studies from Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi, Uganda. Emphasizes local ownership and CSO engagement for effective OGP implementation.
Breakout Session: Climate & Environment
Location: Room B
Transparency & Trust in Climate Governance: Explores inclusive, participatory climate action. Lightning talks highlight community-led solutions. The "Open Chair" format encourages interactive dialogue on bridging trust gaps in climate policies.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
Networking & Bilateral Meetings
Location: Rooms C, D, E
Time for attendees to schedule one-on-one or small-group meetings, network, and forge new partnerships.
End of Day 2 — Wrap-up and Transition
Closing remarks and preparation for the next day.
Location: Foyer
Check in for Day 4.
Plenary: Financial Transparency & Integrity
Location: Kilimanjaro
Expanding fiscal openness remains a pressing and essential to rebuilding trust between citizens and their governments. Although there are many ongoing reforms being pursued towards greater openness, the challenges of inadequate transparency in taxation, opaque debt management and uneven participation in budget processes by citizens. This session brings together policy makers and practitioners who are working with civil society and government reformers to advance fiscal transparency and integrity.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
Breakout Session: Digital Governance
Location: Room A
Interactive workshop on frameworks for responsible AI/data usage in public service. Focuses on citizen engagement, procurement transparency, and safeguarding rights to ensure equitable service delivery.
Breakout Session: Fiscal Openness
Location: Room B
Explores participatory budgeting, transparent debt management, and ways citizens can hold officials accountable for spending decisions. Encourages sustainable and inclusive financial reform.
Location: Dining Hall
Lunch break.
Breakout Session: Legislative Openness
Location: Room A
Focuses on opening up parliamentary processes to public scrutiny. CSOs/PMOs share tools and strategies for increasing citizen engagement and transparency in lawmaking.
Breakout Session: National-Local Open Government
Location: Room B
Examines collaborations between national and local governments (plus civil society) to address pressing issues. Discusses best practices for replicating or scaling successful open government initiatives.
Coffee Break
Location: Foyer
Refreshments and networking.
Closing Ceremony
Location: Main Plenary Hall
Summarizes key outcomes, new commitments, and next steps for OGP in Africa & the Middle East. Leaders highlight successes and priorities for ongoing collaboration.
Final Networking & Departure
Location: Foyer
Last opportunity for informal networking and farewells.
Side Events
Partners like governments, national and international civil society organizations, multilateral organizations, and others were invited to hold workshops, consultations, and other events around the 2025 OGP Africa and Middle East Regional Meeting. See below for information about these side events, including registration instructions for each.
Revitalising Infrastructure Transparency in Kenya
Date & Time
Monday, March 24, 2025 14:00
Sarova Panafric, Nairobi
Hosted By
CoST - Infrastructure Transparency Initiative & Association of Consulting Engineers Kenya (ACEK)
The CoST International Secretariat in partnership with the Association of Consulting Engineers Kenya (ACEK) will host the first stakeholder forum on revitalising infrastructure transparency in Kenya. The forum will involve participation from government, private sector and civil society with the aim of discussing current challenges and identify the benefits of improving infrastructure governance through increased transparency and accountability and anti-corruption within the infrastructure sector in Kenya. The forum is hoped to discuss the potential of transparency, accountability and anti-corruption in stimulating public infrastructure investments, the contribution of CoST through the application of its approach, tools, and standards and discuss potential collaboration and next steps. It will be facilitated by our Team, involving key sector players from Kenya and the OGP Secretariat.
Improving Information and Service Delivery for Women: City Efforts Across the Region
Date & Time
Monday, March 24, 2025 14:00-16:00
Radisson Blu Upperhill Nairobi (Mt. Kenya 1+2)
Hosted By
The Carter Center
Cities from across Africa are advancing service delivery for women through the Inform Women, Transform Lives campaign. Supported by The Carter Center, the campaign is being implemented in 35 cities around the world. This panel, which will include leaders from Nairobi, Lagos, and Kampala, will share their experiences and impacts in using more intentional and innovative means to reach women with information and services related to economic empowerment, gender-based violence, waste management and more.
Supporting the Nexus Between Justice and Open Governance Through a People-Centered Approach
Date & Time
Monday, March 24, 2025 15:30-17:00
Radisson Blu Upperhill Nairobi (Mt. Kenya 3)
Hosted By
Pathfinders for Peaceful Just and Inclusive Societies & African Alliance for People-Centered Justice
The African Alliance for People-Centered Justice AAPCJ seeks to host a session during OGP's Africa and Middle East Regional Meeting to illustrate the symbiosis that exists between access to justice and open governance and how a people-centered approach to justice serves as a catalyst towards the realization of both of these objectives. The OGP Meeting is an excellent opportunity to foster collaboration and exchange at a time when transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement are more critical than ever in strengthening democratic governance across the region. The 75-minute session organized by the AAPCJ will be structured as an interactive panel discussion featuring representatives from government, the judiciary and grassroots justice workers. The focus will be on exploring best practices, innovations and lessons learned from Africa, in advancing open government and people-centered justice. This will provide an opportunity for interregional learning and identifying actionable strategies to address shared challenges.
Open Gov Challenge Reception
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 16:00-17:30
Radisson Blu Upperhill Nairobi
Hosted By
OGP Support Unit
Please join us on Wednesday 26 March from 16:00-17:30 for the Open Gov Challenge Reception at the Radisson Blu.
Registration: Not required for regional meeting attendees
OpenDev Networking
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 16:00
Radisson Blu Upperhill Nairobi
Hosted By
The meeting will focus on announcing the creation of 'OpenDev,' an African dynamic for open development composed of civil society organizations, aimed at addressing issues related to our continent and collectively seeking solutions using the principles of openness adopted in the Open Government Partnership initiative. The meeting will also be an opportunity to introduce this dynamic, showcase its achievements over the past year and a half, and discuss the next steps for the future.
Registration: Not required for regional meeting attendees
Global Democracy Coalition (GDC) Africa Regional Forum 2025
Date & Time
Friday, March 28, 2025 8:00-17:00
Daystar University Auditorium, Valley Road, Nairobi
Hosted By
The Youth Cafe, Afrobarometer, Community Action for Health and Development (CAHED), Citizen Voice and Action (CVA), Rwanda and Somali Media Women Association (SOMWA), Center for Multiparty Democracy Kenya (CMD Kenya)
The Global Democracy Coalition (GDC) Africa Forum 2025 themed "Advancing Democratic Resilience at the Intersection of Human Rights and Environmental Justice in Africa" will convene a diverse group of approximately 150 participants, including policymakers, youth leaders, funders, civil society representatives, and environmental advocates, to explore innovative pathways for enhancing democracy, human rights, and environmental justice across the continent. This one-day forum aims to: 1) Combat systemic corruption as a catalyst for democratic renewal and environmental Resilience. 2) Overcome barriers to youth participation in politics and governance. 3) Explore global challenges such as disinformation and societal norms that hinder inclusive democratic progress. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions, and workshops, the forum will inspire regional resilience, foster cross-sector partnerships, and produce actionable strategies to drive democratic and environmental reforms. Fundamentally, the forum seeks to unite diverse voices and champion innovative solutions for a resilient, just, and sustainable Africa.
Please note that participation in the regional meeting is on an invitation-only basis. Registration for participation in a side event does not immediately guarantee participation in the regional meeting.
Contact kenya2025@opengovpartnership.org with any questions.
Important Information
- Registration: Daily check-in starts at 08:30 in the Foyer area
- Parallel Sessions: Multiple breakout sessions run concurrently - choose based on your interests
- Networking Opportunities: Dedicated breaks and sessions for building connections
- Special Sessions: Some sessions are invite-only - please check session descriptions
- Side Events: Consider attending partner-hosted side events before and after the main meeting
For questions about logistics or registration, please reach out through our contact page.